Monday, March 2, 2009

Finnegans Wake

Having just recently heard one of our classmates recite the final page and a half of Finnegans Wake, I became extremely interested in the whole thing. It sounds like a bunch of nonsense but after taking an oral traditions class I am beginning to see the importance, not of the printed word, but of the word that stays with us for all time. We read books so often that we enjoy, that strike us as masterpieces of literature. Yet none of us can truly recite word for word any extensive passages from any one book. That is until today, when Jenny-Lynn quoted nearly two pages of a book that most people can make neither heads nor tails of.

I think then, that it is not the book itself which we find memorable, but those ideas which we find in it, and Joyce's Finnegans Wake is so full of memorable ideas and moments that, if we take the time to read it, we might find the greatest book ever written.

On another thoght, I took the time to google Finnegans Wake and came up with some really interesting links from google. Here they are.

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